Something so sublime as smile can travel miles. But for some children a smile is not possible because of Cleft palate birth defect. The cause appears to be defective DNA. Something goes wrong during neo natal development of the fetus. Preventing it from occurring seems impossible at the moment.
In the meantime, Voluntary medical missions like Operation Smile and their super hero Plastic Surgeons are non-profits Blink Radio need support. There is no greater path to happiness than to repair a child’s mouth in order to eat and the smile that save these children from life of ridicule and alienation.
Here at WSQF Blink Radio 94.5 LPFM are asking our listeners to ban together to raise awareness of Cleft Palate deformities and raise One million dollars to support medical missions in the impoverished world of India and Africa. These breathtaking operations and facial reconstructions are unbelievable for children and their parents .
Donate by phone: 1-888-246-3797